"Yes" "No" "Maybe"
Shopping with my Aunt, I stepped into the dressing room. The wall had “yes”, “no” and “maybe” written in black script. It didn’t even take me a moment to realize the power. I instantly saw the small significance; there was no hook to hang a “maybe.”
I ended up getting the “yes” dress and you can see a picture* at the end of the article.
There was no room for “maybe.” It wasn’t an option. What would that look like if we eliminated the angst of having the “maybe” option…and didn’t allow it as a spot to hang our possibilities?
Putting the stock in the possible + claiming the YES = powerful. It takes conscious effort to choose “yes’s” without knowing their arrival date. For example, with my manuscripts, I’ve learned to say “when I get published” instead of "if." All my hard work leads towards the “yes” of it all; I’ll hang on with confidence.
Similarly, I’ve found liberation in moving past and accepting the “no’s.” In my article, Paint Doors, Gain Passage, I talked about sealing off the inoperable parts of life and climbing towards “yes”. I wondered if closing certain doors could take just as much courage as walking through them. No use waiting for something broken, like an out-of-order elevator, to take you to the next level when you can walk to stairs with strength.
What is “maybes” role in our lives? Do we give “maybe” too much power when there isn’t a spot to support it?
All this is easy to say, of course. Practically speaking, what are your tips on “not get hung up” on what won’t happen? i.e. leave the “no’s” in the dressing room? How do you hang your decisions on a “yes” and walk forward?
There is power there, right? When has not having the option to “maybe” something in your life created a “yes” or even a needed “no”? I’ll hang on. “Yes” I certainly want to KNOW.
Your Brave Tutu (You’re Brave Too-Too)
-Take courage in delight. Discover power in small moments.
I dedicate this article to my Write. Submit. Support. class taught by Bethany Hegedus and Claire Campbell at The Writing Barn in Austin, Texas. What started as a “class” to keep us on track as we pursue our writing passions has turned into a tribe; my Sign Holders. There is nothing “maybe” about the future of these dedicated, talented and driven women. I cannot imagine my creative career without their encouraging support. As we receive the “no's” we claim the “yes's” and journey forward. Together.